About Us
Mission Statement:
Friends of Myles Standish State Forest (FMSSF) is organized to promote and conserve the natural, scenic and historical resources of Myles Standish State Forest and its Satellite Areas; to foster the use and enjoyment of Myles Standish State Forest by the public in a manner consonant with the protection and preservation of the environment; to engage in such educational, scientific and charitable activities as will assist the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the operation of Myles Standish State Forest; and to assist and work in cooperation with the Forest Supervisor in general support and enrichment of Myles Standish State Forest.
Friends of Myles Standish is directed by a Board of Directors representing the various Forest user groups. Members and the public are welcome to attend the board meetings. Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at the headquarters conference building (100 yards up the street), 194 Cranberry Road, Carver, at 7:00 p.m. (During the pandemic, we have often been meeting online via Zoom meetings.)
Current Officers and other Board Members (2022):
John Bescherer, President/ Treasurer- Hiking, Trails, Meetup, Website
Bill Vickstrom, Vice President, Past President- Hiking, Trails Committee
Glenn d'Entremont, Secretary, Birding expert
Richard Wall Jr., Sportsmen
Donna McBrien- Membership
Charles Pye, Vernal Pools; Newsletter
Jim Nelson, Cottage Program
Thom Gifford, Equestrian and Trails
Bob Bentley, Trails
Derek Welch, Cottage Program
Franny Jo Walsh, Equestrian
Sandra Fosgate, Hiking
Stephen Dias, Hiking
Friends of Myles Standish State Forest, Inc. Bylaws- As amended May 2013
Friends of Myles Standish State Forest, Inc. Bylaws- As amended May 2016